Every once in a while I get some great ideas coming into my inbox. This week has been more active than others, and I wanted to share a few ideas with you from some great members sending me their thoughts and their work. Here they are, in no particular order.
Eric Kloeckner’s Recent Musings
First off, we have Kloeckno, who sent me a bunch of great patches that he very generously allowed me to provide everyone: Eric-Kloeckner-Patches. This came from my comment to him that one of the patches he was showcasing in an improv session on YouTube was one helluva great sound. So I asked him if he would send me the patch. He then provided these patches to the community. Well, I delved into them and took a listen. Check them out yourself. I made a video to highlight a few of the sounds within. Great stuff. Simply great.
The patches contain some Combinator Instruments and FX, as well as a very novel way to create a 4-way cross-fader without the need for Thor’s shaper. Very interesting work!
Peff’s new Patch Offerings
Another great development lately has been Peff, hard at work doing some unique high-level stuff for Reason. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you really should see his new files that are available for download. If you can’t access them here, you’ll need to become a fan. So do it and check them out when you can. You won’t be disappointed. Among the files are a template for Livid OHM users, and a new implementation of an equal power cross-fader which is arguably easier to set up using two Thors, instead of a series of mixers and pan controls.
Mick Comito’s latest Song using the Modulated Thor Oscillator Method
And yet more interesting things from the Reason community. Mick Comito has a really amazing song which definitely resonated with me because it’s very ambient with some nice glitch highlights. His Combinator patch builds on the idea of modulating the Thor oscillators. I had written a tutorial about it a few weeks back and he incorporated this idea into his song. First, have a listen:
Oslating Osolation by SoulReaon
When I emailed him about it, I asked if he would be willing to share the Combinator patch and he replied saying he would be more than happy to share the patch AND the Record song file. So here they are: Mick-Comito-DancingThors. The song is a great exercise in simplicity if you ask me. The main drums are comprised of Rex files, and the Lead is quite a nice Malstrom setup. The modulated Thors provide the spacey/glitchy effect and round out the whole track. Add the Bass, and that’s the entire effort of the song. Structurally simple and yet very rich in sound. If you get a moment, be sure to comment on the song and drop him a line to tell him what you think. I’m sure he would appreciate it. I know I was extremely impressed.
And of course Hydlide has a New Song
So take a listen when you have a minute. As usual, the production on the song is excellent. And he has something in store for us in the not-too-distant future at The Sound of Reason (TSOR) site. So be sure to check in every once in a while and say hi to all the members there.
Some Urgings at the PUF
Lastly, thanks to everyone for posting their thoughts on my posting at the PUF. If you have access, you can view the posting here: https://www.propellerheads.se/forum/showthread.php?t=137134. The post was meant to hopefully open up some better discussion about what makes up a community and how we can all receive some better support, tutorials, information, etc. from the Propellerheads themselves. As of this posting, there was no word from them (though James Bernard did respond), but then today I noticed they had a few responses (from Leo and Ludvig), which was VERY encouraging indeed!
If you get a chance, post a comment and let your voice be heard as well.
I don’t know how the hell I missed this last year, but Introducing James Bernard. . .

Reason & Record: Meet the Propellerheads
Propellerhead Record 1.5 & Reason 5 – James Bernard Interview Part One
Propellerhead Record 1.5 & Reason 5 – James Bernard Interview Part Two
James Bernard Propellerhead Masterclass Video – Part One
James Bernard Propellerhead Masterclass Video – Part Two
James Bernard Propellerhead Masterclass – Reason Record Pt 3
James Bernard Propellerhead Masterclass – Reason Record Pt 4
As you can see, there’s a lot of happenings out there in the community that are noteworthy, and I’m sure many others that deserve mention. These are just some of the great ideas that I’ve had the pleasure of looking into, and in talking with everyone here, it’s nice to see a few fresh thoughts come out of the discussions I’ve had. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed here. It does not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated, to say the least.
Have an idea of your own that you want to discuss? Write me and share your thoughts. I’d love to hear about them.