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[ti_audio media=”130″ repeat=”1″]
[ti_audio media=”131″ repeat=”1″]
Description: These are two Pad sounds based on an FM tutorial I read on the Propellerhead site. However, this sound is completely different from the sound I heard there. I just love the space of the sounds. One is clean, the other is distorted with a moderate dose of noise.

Features: The “Apollo Mission” Pad does not have any programming tied to it. It’s pretty much a one-off sound. The “Apollo Mission 2” Pad, however, has a few things going on. First, use the Mod Wheel to control the State Variable Filter (Filter 1) Frequency and Resonance. Turning up the wheel on it’s own will give it a new dimension, not quite as noise-laden, and the Resonance gives it a sweet warbling sound that I really like. Rotary 1 will increase the resonance on the third filter and at the same time reduces the shaper’s effect on the sound. The second Rotary fades the level of Oscillator 3, and removes a good portion of the noise. Turned fully up and you get a completely clean Pad sound. Using Button 1 will make the Pad Growl more. Essentially it Reduces the Pitch of Oscillator 3. You gotta love these FM sounds. They can do so much more than bells with very little effort.
Usage: Used as a Pad or Texture.
Other Notes: Try using a combination of the Mod Wheel and Rotary 1 together. This gives the whole pad a very soft and far away sound. I’m not partial to the sound made if you raise both Rotaries together to full max. So I would stay away from that. It can get to be a little too high-pitch for my taste. But see if you like it (obviously now that I said not to try it, you’ll go ahead and try it. 😉 If you want extra growl, Turn Button 1 on, and then push the Mod Wheel up. This provides a nice growling edge to the sound.
Yes FM is far more interesting than initially meets the eye – or boggled brain.
Good sounds and while FM they don’t sound thin or digitallly.